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To love more * Sing Georg Christian CS * song with English lyrics

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To love more *  Sing Georg Christian CS * song with English lyrics
Search me within, burn away the cold by fire
I want to love You more, O my God
Submit all that I am to the breath of the Spirit above me
I want to love You more, O my God
/:Let my spirit be ablaze with impassioned prayer
To love more with my heart and my soul
By all the creative power, to all the depths of my soul
To love more with Your shining love:/
The world is often only lies, hurry and bustle
But the message of Your love resounds: Love more
Your truth is holy, I will let Your Spirit guide me
The message of Your love resounds: Love more
/:Even if I should go through the world by way of the chasm of loss
Even then I would want to love You more
Even if the shadow of the night darkens, even if the joy is changed to sorrow
Even then I would want to love You more:/
Even as I lay my head down on the last journey
I want to love more on the last day
Death cannot change the love; the resurrection is in Christ
I want to love more on the last day
/:Where the light is God himself, without the gleam of candles
I know there I will forever love more
Where the sun is God himself, the temple of the Eternal City
I know there I will forever love more :/
George Zmozek
Samuel Verner


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